THE Most Relevant XKCD

You know what, I actually agree with this. And lets just for a minute assume 'everyone' here is from the USA, which is where this constitutional bullshit comes from in the first place. Yes, the 'Government' can't adversely effect someone based upon what they say. Terrific, that's great.

OK, so now it comes down to the 'people' to decide what should and should not be allowed on their particular means on communication, in this case reddit. Well, as distasteful as fatpeoplehate (and there are far, far more distasteful subs on here), its content was serviced by a very large community (no pun intended), the 13th most active sub from what I read previously. Furthermore, the front page would seemingly suggest that a lot of reddit members would take 'free speech' over what people deem to be censorship for no valid reason.

Thus, if the 'community' sees fit to remove a subreddit, then by all means, as this XKCD says, show them the door. However, from what I've seen, the general community of reddit has shown that it doesn't want /r/fatpeoplehate 'shown the door'. And this is what has annoyed people like myself. I don't particularly like the 'message' that subs like /r/coontown or /r/fatpeoplehate spread, it's certainly not how I'd act in a public instance. However, I don't like that an incredibly small, and biased group of people can arbitrarily decide what should and should not be shown on this site. For me, it is this that is the more reprehensible act. On a much more micro level, people on reddit don't want to be dictated to without their voice being heard (sound familiar, Boston Tea Party etc), however reddit isn't a representative democracy, it's a company, and thus in political terms, it's a dictatorship. That is what people find distasteful - not the removal of 'hate', but the act of doing so without "permission".

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