"I would watch this guy's channel if he didn't say "gay" and "f****t" all the time. I mean, come on dude..." [-39] "what are you fucking gay?" [+52]

I guess it's cause the majority isn't as sensitive as this sub.

Alright, darlin. When I socialize with my friends and acquaintances in the big ol' world beyond reddit (it exists!), guess how many of them are thrilled to make a racist or homophobic joke in front of each other, or even worse, in front of a group. How many people would stand in front of a creative writing class and say half the shit reddit says on a daily basis in front of their classmates. It's frowned upon. Can you tell me why that is? After you do that, can you tell me why it should be different online?

Have you ever seen his videos? He never calls anyone but himself a fslur.

Are we talking about the video maker or your compatriots in that subreddit?

Why would these parents be watching a YouTube video of some dude unboxing dildos n shit?

It really sounds like you're confused. It's almost like you didn't pay attention to a word I said, in a rush to tell me that I'm wrong.

What's the issue with saying words?

You tell me. All SRS is doing is using words. We don't have the authority to throw the banhammer down on your subreddit. All we can do is sleep with a few admins and hope for the best.

If we take the stigma off of them future generations wouldn't be petrified of saying them.

And how is that a good thing? I'd like less people being racist, homophobic, etc., please, thanks.

Here's the thing, unlike this sub I'm not boycotting anything

So what. Are you saying we don't have the freeeeeedom to do what we want if you don't like it?


What's wrong with being PC and treating people like actual human beings again? This is what it boils down to. It's a petty tantrum. It's a whine against having to actually be a good member of society. Half of you would probably agree with being a good member of society, if you weren't so in love with the idea that people telling you to be decent is people controlling you.

why you guys think your opinions are valid enough to hate on everyone else

That is rich.

Well two things, free speech.

Thaw them peaches and make some cobbler, darlin.

What I'm not ok with is when you ruin other subs just cause you think it's the right thing to do.

Actually, /r/PunchableFaces is good now.

Second, I'm fine with a bunch of oversensitive jagoffs circle jerking on a sub on Reddit

Good, then piss off. I'm surprised you haven't been banned yet.

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