311 words Men hate it when women have high standards and don’t tolerate bs 461 words He had been waiting since she was 14 for her to turn legal so he could date her. He's 28 and a cop. 228 words Patriarchal medical training, forces me to coddle men over erectile dysfunction. 213 words I feel like I’m considered weird because I’m not comfortable with sex within the first 3 dates 131 words Men saying "I wouldn't be afraid of a woman catcalling me" are willfully ignoring the problem. 117 words If MGTOWs claim that they don't care about women, why are they lurking here obsessed with us? 186 words Why is it that some men just HAVE to film during sex? 258 words I dont like the way my boyfriend initiates sex 335 words “Jokes” that use feminine traits to insult others 227 words Advice wanted: My boyfriend moved in, and I want to like it but I don't 126 words My friend’s doctor lied to her partner to protect her 242 words boyfriend has social anxiety and opts out of social events. I feel bad going without him. advice? 148 words Can we talk about what gaslighting actually is, AND what it isn’t? 158 words No one can figure out what’s wrong 125 words My husband told me he has never enjoyed traditional sex 273 words I saw this on tik tok and it just really got to me 127 words UPDATE: The freaking day after the creep hit on our track team, the entire girls' team got a talk about how running without a shirt was making the male coaches uncomfortable. I don't even know what to say. 625 words I'm going for full custody and I am scared 160 words UK MPs reject proposal to make misogyny a hate crime 152 words I can't donate without his permission?!