137 words They care more about the unborn then the living every time 304 words There were a lot of kids in the showing I went to, and even they made it through. 112 words I mean the position DOES pay a 6-figure salary and come with some pretty serious responsibilities. 134 words She takes the cake. Acts as if she's better than all of us. We found this out within the same week. I HOPE she sees it. RIP Big Bro. 222 words I had this brilliant revelation this afternoon. I'm 51 years old. And it's not true. 109 words I just wanted to treat myself and that carbonara was not worth the $23 I paid for 229 words Guess I won't be buying a house or car in the next few years. Thank you mom! 111 words I don't care what your political beliefs are, this is just sad. 129 words Job ads requiring advanced degrees, years of experience, etc. and only pay $35K per year. 285 words Cord cutters in 2019 127 words #trashtag victim 396 words Maybe I'm an asshole, but this was really satisfying 133 words It blows my mind that people in the US can't or won't visit a doctor either because they can't afford it or fear the bill they're going to get. 168 words Shame on you, Virgin Australia (full story in comments) 135 words Anyone who stands behind him is spitting in the face of every gay or black hate crime victim. His actions will undoubtedly aid a Trump re-election in 2020. 261 words We don't care about fancy backgrounds and your life story 171 words I currently make less than 0.5% 165 words I've made a huge mistake... 249 words Maybe it's the broke college student in me 208 words I’m hoping there are many in the same boat as me.