235 words I was banned from r/ lgbt for saying this! 183 words USA - Secularization is alive and very well and picking up speed in America. Question: Belief in God is not necessary in order to be moral. In 2014, for 18-29 year old - 54% agreed, this year 73% agreed. This is almost an increase of 20% in just 3 years. It is going fast now.....I love it !!!!! 623 words i am confused, does god exist or not? this article made me think! what is the truth. 306 words Anxiety about crossing over. 395 words Evolution in 15 seconds 357 words In Turkey, Schools Will Stop Teaching Evolution This Fall: "In school, they taught us humans evolved from monkeys. But that's not true. I support our government taking it out of biology textbooks. I think it's Satan's work." 195 words Rant: What is up with people saying I'm not an athiest? 195 words Rant: I'm sick of the fact that theists expect me to be an expert on every possible topic out there while they get to cower behind their own ignorance/faith whenever they don't know something. 217 words How will you guys respond to this? 240 words Pence wants to implement nationwide 'abstinence only' education, Dan Savage is having none of it. 198 words Couple quick questions for those who were always athiests 832 words Richard Dawkins event cancelled over his 'abusive speech against Islam' 230 words Sad Irony:Muslim Woman who opened world first liberal mosque in Germany,which accepts both Sunni & Shia, doesn't have women wear veils and allows men & women to pray together, is "receiving death threats every day" from angry Muslims and has had fatwa declared against her by the Egyptian gov 186 words I will never forgive religious people for their hatred of gays even if they have "evolved". Most of the time they haven't evolved. That hate comes out eventually! 243 words How believing in atheism will get you killed in Saudi Arabia 556 words Questions about consciousness 296 words In defense of subjective morality 228 words How to tell my parents, friends and school-mates that I'm atheist? 287 words Could Anyone Please Solve This Doubt I'm Having on Atheism? 471 words Wisconsin State Rep: ‘The Earth Is 6,000 Years Old, That’s A Fact’