159 words Does anyone find it annoying when someone of a popular religion calls a less popular one unrealistic or ridiculous? 212 words Friendly Catholic wanting to hear the Atheist side 135 words [Unpopular Opinion] If you think Chau deserved to die because he "invaded" their lands, you also think US troops mowing down Central American migrants attempting to "invade" our country is acceptable. 115 words Today I am thankful that I live in a country where I have the freedom to say fuck God, fuck Muhammad, fuck Jesus and fuck religion. In some countries, like saudi arabia, atheism is considered terrorism and blasphemy can get you executed. This thanksgiving, I am thankful for freedom from religion. 253 words Came out to mom as both gay and atheist in the same day. Ended up with pretty disappointing results. 119 words An American missionary has been killed by an uncontacted tribe of natives after attempting to spread Christianity to their island. 115 words Questions/concerns that Christianity has failed to address. 240 words An extended family member of mine was recently killed, and the pastor who spoke at his funeral says his death was a result of prayer being taken out of schools and America turning away from God. 153 words Religious people please read social cues. It is not appropriate to talk about religion and I’m getting tired of being polite. 340 words Want to Honor Veterans Today? Don’t Assume All Soldiers Are Religious 113 words What's going on Britain..? The UK is refusing to offer political asylum to Asia Bibi - a girl formerly on death row in Pakistan for "blaspheming Islam" who's local supporters have been murdered - because they're afraid of offending the local British Muslim community. 124 words Student who refuses to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance expelled, Texas attorney general backs school 338 words There is one book that proves the existence of Jesus and four that prove the existence of Gandalf. That means Gandalf is 400% more real than Jesus. I know which one I’d rather follow. 279 words US Politics & Religion in the future 194 words If god was real and, as other religions say, truly loves us all, why doesn’t he give nonbelievers, such as us, a sign of his existence? 150 words Why do Christians want to hang around with people who they feel are sinful and bad if they arent trying to convert them? 125 words Why do so many atheists seem disinterested in Ethics 135 words It's time we atheists 'fessed up and admitted that life without God can sometimes be pretty grim. 212 words How do you politely turn down going to Church with MIL? 227 words I'm a former atheist turned Christian pastor. I got an hour- AMA