144 words "There is no God. No one directs the universe," physicist Stephen Hawking says in his final book. 122 words Christian pharmacist refused to fill prescription for woman who was having a miscarriage: lawsuit 151 words I'm a Christian. Almost all my friends are atheists. 119 words I'm a Christian. Almost all my friends are atheists. 129 words Christian Dominionists are the biggest threat to the liberty we enjoy under the US Constitution 113 words My thoughts on theism 136 words Do you think Religion is necessary in countries where life is poor or do you think religion is the reason life is poor there? 132 words The whole Kavanaugh thing has me wondering about why abortion is such an important issue to old white ‘conservative’ men? It’s not actually religious conviction. 166 words The Alliance Defending Freedom is now arguing in federal court to allow a Christian homeless shelter to deny services for transgender people due to its beliefs. 233 words Christian Zealot Beheads Girlfriend Because She Refused To Repent 190 words Why does the line "under god" still exist in the U.S. pledge? 113 words Christian here just wanting to ask a question. 168 words Christian dad who ‘let his baby die because of religious beliefs’ says he is being persecuted for his faith in jail interview 123 words Dutch abortion doctor shows aborted embryo of 6 weeks, compared to anti-abortion propaganda from Christian organisation. 130 words It hurts to hear your mom tell you, at 13 years old, that you are abused and raped as a child because it was God’s plan and he lets it happen for a reason. But I’m at a point in my life where I’m able to be at peace with myself because I’ve accepted god doesn’t exist. Here’s my story. 136 words Do you think there realy was "just" a guy named Jesus? 140 words Do atheists move to atheist areas in America and other western countries? 176 words Let's play - Which is more moral? 403 words Provo, Utah won't allow LGBTQ support groups participate in their Freedom Festival parade this July 4th. 139 words Provo, Utah won't allow LGBTQ support groups participate in their Freedom Festival parade this July 4th.