123 words Not to bash on religion but I just scrolled through the r/catholicism page and had some chuckles. 267 words Why are you an atheist? 201 words Annoying Mom 128 words American Pro-Lifers travel to Ireland in an attempt to influence the upcoming vote on abortion, attempt to invoke their "1st Amendment Rights" when told to stop handing out leaflets on public ground. 140 words Trump team got the help of Saudi Arabian princes - the leading country funding radical islamic terrorism - to swing election in his favour. 369 words Why is it Christians will readily dismiss Santa as a joke, but hesitant to do the same to God/Jesus? 154 words More than 2,000 attend gay pride event in VP Pence's hometown 172 words Exploiting dead loved ones to gain church members 168 words Need some help disproving some bs 1,291 words So I spent all day comparing Christianity to an abusive/controlling relationship..... 133 words Why is the alt right so popular with atheists? 139 words Linda Harvey: We Must 'Re-Horrify People About The Sin Of Homosexuality' 150 words What do you think will replace religion? 191 words To atheists with fundamental Christian families. 154 words Counterargument for "you should not read the old testament before you read the new testament" 184 words Ohio priest under investigation for relationship with minor threw himself off Chicago skyscraper 169 words Christian Leader: ‘I Really Genuinely Do Not Understand’ Trump Voters 228 words Debate 224 words …It’s Pretty Obvious Conservatives Aren’t Praying Hard Enough For Mass Shootings To Stop 188 words Roommate hung up pictures of Jesus christ on our refrigerator. How would you deal with this situation?