110 words Putting pool noodles on a goat who won’t stop head butting 160 words Good boy 185 words Made a little friend on the flight 215 words My geriatric cat has a hard time cleaning her face. She came up with a plan. 183 words Get the ball girl. 274 words My autistic son hates his photo taken, so I let him wear a t-rex suit for family photos. 159 words My pitbull wont let my newborn out of her sight. She is a good girl! 203 words “Welcome to Home Depot. I’ll help you find what you’re looking for because I’m a very good boy.” 143 words These kids from daycare saying their last goodbyes before going to separate elementary schools. 137 words Grandma sews together two shirts to celebrate both grandkids getting into college. 143 words Cop saves dog that fell into a river 201 words This meerkat who was saved from illegal pet trading is now happier than ever in our wildlife reserve, and always comes back for some cuddles! 229 words My dad has never had a cat but loves mine when he comes over to my house. He found a kitten crying outside a couple days ago who prefers sleeping like this. I hope he keeps it... 129 words My best friend and I have daughters the same age. We introduced them via FaceTime 4 years ago. They’ve talked daily and became best friends. They live 7+ hours away and our schedules never lined up to have them meet in person until this moment. Neither of our daughters knew this was happening. 274 words Big boss 170 words When they said you were going to the vet but they actually took you to the park. 450 words On her way home from the rescue shelter! 270 words A girl and her dog 117 words Steve Irwin's kids carrying on his legacy 216 words GF and I adopted this dude from the shelter yesterday. He follows her everywhere and does this when she sits down.