221 words Jimmy is constantly thinking about Chuck 123 words *S4E10 SPOILERS* what will they say to the german crew about Ziegler? 164 words The next episode. S4E9 "Wiedersehen," is directed by Vince Gilligan 123 words Writers Are Wrong About Therapy 119 words In 405, why did the French guy not get the job with Gus? 122 words Another Easter Egg: the song playing when Jimmy's first customer comes in is the same one playing at Denny's when Walt and Jesse discuss their 'next move'. 140 words Better Call Saul S04E04 - "Talk" - POST-Episode Discussion Thread 125 words Pretty unimpressed by BCS so far. In before downvote. 191 words [SPOILERS] The restaurant and drinks from tonight's episode are the same ones from last season. 194 words Hector has a HEART condition? 179 words What does this scoreboard mean? 190 words Better Call Saul S03E05 - "Chicanery" - POST-Episode Discussion Thread 394 words Saul's age 306 words [SPOILERS] Anyone feel surprisingly "disturbed" at the end of the episode? 403 words Better Call Saul S02E08 "Fifi" POST-Episode Discussion Thread 473 words How many seasons are currently planned? 333 words Vince Gilligan Finally Reveals Why Walter White Left Gray Matter 433 words Was Chuck right about Jimmy? 335 words {Prediction} Could the last season be post-BB, and could it lead into Fear the Walking Dead? 427 words Don't think Saul Goodman's legal practice is an unrealistic exaggeration. This is a real lawyer in Texas, and he's been in business for at least 15 years.