Another Easter Egg: the song playing when Jimmy's first customer comes in is the same one playing at Denny's when Walt and Jesse discuss their 'next move'.

Aaron Paul does some great acting here with a single shrug.

But I actually think his best little performance bit comes later in S4 when Walt asks him if he's been to Gus house. Walt's like, "you haven't seen Gus? You haven't talked to Gus?" And Jesse darts his eyes away and he's like, "No." It's so perfect in terms of showing how that character would lie (poorly).

Plus, a line that for some reason is still ringing in my head, where Jesse goes, "There was just one big pot and we both ate from it! What was I supposed to do, poison myself?!" It's the writing and the Paul's delivery...combine the two and certain lines could seem like music, lol.

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