220 words Do you rate books based on how well they're written or how much you enjoyed them? 397 words I didn't hate Catcher in the Rye more as I got older. I actually loved it more. 164 words Which fictional characters (or books) do you think are idolised by people who missed the entire point of the story? 213 words Everyone's entitled to their opinion but I honestly hate most literary discourse online 103 words A West Michigan library faces closure after voters defund it over LGBTQ+ books 122 words Is there a word you know the actual pronunciation of, but since you've never seen it in text you read it wrong? 294 words Some Surprising Good News: Bookstores Are Booming and Becoming More Diverse 148 words How do you find the time for reading? 130 words What are the best science and mathematics magazines I can subscribe to ? 143 words Jack Kerouac was a seriously flawed person who shouldn't be romanticized. "On the Road" was more of a confession than anything else. 123 words The big idea: could the greatest works of literature be undiscovered? 266 words Reading with ADHD 142 words Death on the Nile 212 words If you have issues with almost every female character out there, YOU are the sexist one 204 words What is your favourite 500+ page novel and why? 151 words “Into The Wild” and mental health 266 words 92 Percent of College Students Prefer Reading Print Books to E-readers 168 words Ender's Game seems like the poster child for 'support the art not the artist'. I don't understand how an outspoken homophobe wrote this amazing book that champions the power of empathy, but thank goodness for libraries and used book stores so we can still read and enjoy this wonderful book. 136 words I'm reading a japanese crime novel, and the small cultural differences from an European perspective tend to kick me out of the story. 154 words My childhood bookstore is closing and I’m low key broken hearted