296 words I have read my last ever book. 128 words What's a thing author tend to write that always break your immersion or make you cringe a bit? 117 words What's a thing author tend to write that always break your immersion or make you cringe a bit? 274 words Lovecraft: yay or nay? 139 words A question on genres and sub genres with a particular interest in Horror 156 words Atlas Shrugged is a terrible book 193 words What are your most unpopular book opinions? 264 words 'Price gouging from Covid': student ebooks costing up to 500% more than in print 513 words PSA : Maybe you haven't fallen out of love with reading. Maybe your tastes don't match with what's being recommended to you anymore 236 words Ever catch yourself simply reading the words on a page without even digesting any of them? 224 words If you only read one political book in your life, read Blackshirts and Reds by Michael Parenti. 184 words Do others find it hard to finish books because some of the content can be too emotionally taxing? 219 words I am Allie Brosh. My main abilities include writing, drawing, caring, and hiding, but you can ask me whatever you want. AMA 124 words What's your favorite comfort book? 158 words It’s a good thing I was listening to {The Book Thief} on audiobook because I would not have been able to see through the waterfall on my face to read the last few chapters. 160 words Reading the same book twice in different languages 327 words The Internet Archive made over one million books available for free for the duration of the Covid-19 pandemic, powerful publishers sued. Now, it's fighting back. 177 words Too jaded to appreciate teen romance? 202 words Can we all please stop obsessing over the timeliness of book reading? 283 words Teachers kill reading