169 words Oh, fuck off 276 words Anyone here think Pizzagate has more circumstantial evidence than the Trump/Russia story? 223 words There's always karma in the "Media not covering this" grandstand 2,222 words The most delusional TrueChristian post you will ever see 215 words Yes, Hillary Did Steal the Democratic Primary and Bernie Would Have Beaten Trump 195 words Yes, Hillary Did Steal the Democratic Primary and Bernie Would Have Beaten Trump 215 words article about woman who raped a man being charged w/rape quickly devolves into "hahaha those durned SJWs and their genders" & a general feeling that these people only care because they can use it as a point against feminists, as opposed to actually caring about rape victims in general 249 words r/ImGoingToHellForThis, a sub dedicated to mocking safe spaces, is a safe space. You'll never guess who for! 311 words The Alt Right is less dangerous than the "Regressives" 190 words The least liked talks from PyCon 2016 225 words Reddit: Police shouldn't arrest suspected rapists... if they have a job interview. 357 words Can anyone give me their thoughts about the /r/news debate? 279 words BRD LAUGH THREAD 493 words Harriet Tubman gets to be on the $20. But poor Andrew Jackson! 298 words /r/Menslib throws a hissy fit over white men 393 words User in /r/circlebroke bravely rallies against made up enemy the SJW.... whoops I meant Bernie Bro's! 555 words /r/videos at it again 531 words TIL I learned that in 2014 a woman used sperm from oral sex to get pregnant and successfully sued for child support 426 words The bravest man on /r/atheism proudly shows his superiority to those dumb fools worshiping their idol by posting /r/atheism's idol for worship.