User in /r/circlebroke bravely rallies against made up enemy the SJW.... whoops I meant Bernie Bro's!

Top posts this week:

7/25 (28%) of popular submissions this week had Bernie Sanders as the topic. I'm not going to look at the other 18 submission but I think it's a safe bet to say that there might be a few anti-bernie comments here and there in those submissions as well.

But what exactly are they (circlebrokers) complaining about?

I'm going to use the exact same methodology that seems to be very popular here. Pick ONE individual out of a population and assume that they are representative of everyone in that population and then mindlessly psychoanalyze about how their mom must have given them a few minutes extra time out when they were 4 years old and that exactly explains how they must hate Hillary Clinton and love the Old Jewish guy.

So let's start with the "bernie bro manifesto" one.

So who does he pick as the stereotypical Sanders supporter?

First of all, the comment is downvoted. So even in r/politics, where there's a massive support for Sanders, they still didn't agree with his sentiment. And no, I don't think you CBers are what shifted the votes into negative. Second, there's this exchange:

I was going to sit out the election because I loathe politics after being highly active in '08 to get Obama elected.

I am 23 years old.

Again, OP (of the circlebroke post) doesn't actually offer any substantive criticism and the implicit argument here is that this is just some dumb young kid fresh out of college who loves Sanders, right?

Meanwhile, here's literally 30 seconds of research. I spent more time in paint/imgur than I did checking the guy's post history:

So in a comment from 3 years ago, the downvoted r/politics commenter is reminiscing about how he was immature in his college days. There's no way he's currently 23 years old.


14% of NH democratic voters were aged 30-39, and that demographic went 72% for Sanders. His support is not just among college-age kids, but basically anyone under the age of 40.

60% of college graduates (meaning at least 23 years old assuming 5 years of college) supported Sanders.

But if you only browse circlebroke, you'd think that Sanders support was just high schoolers and college kids who want that dank weed, amirite?

Moving on...

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