287 words irl friends are becoming reactionary. what should I do? 134 words I'm not asking for a right or wrong answer, but do you believe that discrimination ties into capitalism? 395 words Master post of sources for debunking XinJiang propaganda (by u/comrade_corgo) 124 words Liberals and conservatives always make the claim that Stalin starved millions of russians on purpose. But when i research over this matter i find pretty much not a single solid evidence that this was the case. Where did people get this information from in the first place? 274 words Would things like Wage Labour, Commodity Production, the Profit Motive, and Markets Persist Under Socialism? 269 words How does a communist system effectively answer the problem of what EVERYONE wants? 155 words How do I know if I’m a communist? 193 words I have been coming across people recently saying that Marx never talked about state ownership and planning, that state ownership and planning are incompatible with socialism and that all socialist states have been "state capitalist" or something along those lines. How can I debunk this? 644 words Question regarding Socialist States 120 words Why has the Kim family been the leaders of the Worker's Party of Korea for 3 generations? 219 words What is “Council Communism” and how does it differ from Marxism Leninism and Anarcho Communism? 131 words What countries are safe/unsafe for open communists? 117 words Career Landlords vs. Casual Renters? 122 words Why individual lifestyle changes aren't useful in combating the climate crisis 172 words How did you become communists? 145 words Banned from r/communism 384 words Serious Question, no trolling. 194 words What sort of revolutionary potential do the Naxalites in India have? 130 words Why are you a Trotskyist? 363 words What are your thoughts on leftists who are socially conservative?