irl friends are becoming reactionary. what should I do?

>It's quite typical for labor aristocrats and white settler workers to develop a pro-imperialist anti-capitalism.

No disagreement. Both dominant bourgeois are capitalist and imperialist.

>Who are these hypothetical workers?

I have comrades who work at laundromats, grocery stores, construction who have to walk 2 hours to work each day because they need to decide between bus fair or rent. Or that are a week or work in debt (to be worked back for free) because they got covid and begged their boss to pay them so they wouldn't miss rent and car payments that month. It isn't the abject poverty of the global south, but their consciousness comes from comparison to their family's level of economic stability and the unequal levels here at home. Many Americans aren't even aware of the superexploitation they inflict, they are kept in line by the threat of the lumpenprole in their own country.

>I'm sorry, but moral outrage is no substitute for a Marxist analysis.

I'm not making a moral argument, this is based on analysis of the consciousness of the workers here in the material core and their material conditions. Have you talked to workers IRL about their troubles and wants and ideas on the way forward. It is anti-dialectic to write these workers off and not try to organize the layer that is radicalizing under the increasing crisises of capitalism, which are visible here at home.

The global south and the imperialist core have different tasks and a different Marxist analysis when it comes to organizing their respective working classes for a the revolution, or at least to support the revolution and stop imperialist politics in their home country like British workers did during the soviet revolution.

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