158 words How To Deal with someone too Academic and Unwilling to Ramp Up 127 words Cybersecurity or ML, based on your experience help me pick. 626 words Girls, share your horror stories of working in tech 227 words Why do offshore developers have such a bad reputation? 210 words Serious question: What does HR even do all day? 124 words I did it! 37 year old career changer. Just got my first Software Engineering role. 344 words Resume Advice Thread - August 13, 2022 208 words Is it all about building the same mediocre products over and over 223 words Rejected after 200+ failed job applications, considering drastic action? 194 words Any of you guys still inherently frugal because grew up i poverty, having a hard time spending their money? 130 words Want a promotion? Consider quitting your job. 312 words Why does everyone hate office? 160 words Daily Chat Thread - June 17, 2022 138 words I turned down an opportunity and you can too. Let's talk about red flags 195 words How come people less talented than me got hired for an SDE intern position? 285 words When people talk about “doing the bare minimum” instead of quitting, what does that actually look like at a high-pressure job as a senior engineer with a micromanaging boss? 145 words Very poor response rate to applications so far - any advice? 117 words IKEA: Rejected after 60h takehome test - Do we really need to know all of this? 138 words How many nodejs backend developers here? 125 words Has anyone self taught at an older age been able to land a role as an engineer at a big tech?