135 words Does having a master's degree help career growth? How has it helped you personally in the CS field? 124 words Is a Master's Degree in Computer Science worth it if you have no computer science background at all? 182 words Be the Change You Want To See: Start Refusing Unpaid Take-Home Coding Assignments 222 words Is the AI and Machine Learing field going to get over saturated? All the college majors want to do it, is there enough demand? 147 words Pay me more vs I have an offer for more 175 words I hate programming MOOCs and Bootcamps 123 words What feedback do you give your manager? 120 words My manager is firing me because I have been working overtime voluntarily. Am I wrong? 113 words Not going to lie, the greatest thing about being Experienced is being able to say no to Leetcode questions. 377 words Boss wants me to learn AWS and is offering to buy a udemy course for me. Problem is, I hate video tutorials. I learn best with written tutorials. Any recommendations out there for learning AWS via written tutorials? 156 words Will I get fired over saying n-word in the past? 162 words Big N Discussion - August 23, 2020 154 words Is software more mentally intensive than other fields of engineering? 122 words Following this sub's advice is destroying my mental health 176 words How do I deal with a manager who emphasizes my mistakes and disregards any achievements? 114 words Entry Level Roles: Developer vs DevOps 173 words How to handle "Why did you do this?" "I did this because senior told me to do this" ? 111 words 2 years since graduating but trying to get a job 207 words Thoughts on graduating with average GPA? 244 words How is being on-call still a thing?