433 words Trump pouring gasoline on climate change fire | By putting a science-denier, who might as well be in the pay of the Koch brothers as the taxpayers, in charge of dismantling the EPA, Trump is not just abandoning the fight against warming – he has switched sides. 198 words Neil deGrasse Tyson says it might be 'too late' to recover from climate change: "The day two politicians are arguing about whether science is true, it means nothing gets done. Nothing." 354 words As Planet Rages With Fires and Storms, Ire Aimed at Murderous Climate Denialism 359 words Burger King's ongoing massive deforestation for animal feed 340 words Donald Trump’s stance on global warming is ‘sociopathic, paranoid and malevolent’, world-leading economist says 155 words Trump to Sign Executive Orders That Enable Drilling and Mining in Previously Off-Limit Areas 245 words 'You can taste it in the air': your stories of life in polluted cities 255 words Trump caps off a long day by letting coal companies dump waste into streams. 179 words Trump signs his first significant bill — killing a transparency rule for oil companies 162 words Let's get Trump to accept climate change 206 words That's 4 straight debates without a single question on climate change. Good job, everyone. 177 words The Koch Brothers Are Behind a Plot to Open Up the Grand Canyon Watershed to Toxic Uranium Mining - Last year, Arizona Rep. Raúl Grijalva introduced a bill to protect the greater Grand Canyon as a national monument. But it has stalled. 272 words 30 years ago scientists warned Congress on global warming. What they said sounds eerily familiar 344 words The world's largest cruise ship and its supersized pollution problem - As Harmony of the Seas sets sail from Southampton docks on Sunday she will leave behind a trail of pollution – a toxic problem that is growing as the cruise industry & its ships get ever bigger 654 words Ongoing El Niño spells disaster for the world’s coral reefs 306 words Nestle Waters' CEO will 'Absolutely not' stop bottling water in California, 'In fact, if I could, I'd increase it' 331 words New Hampshire Republicans Are Really, Really Anti-Science - Why a climate change denier will almost certainly win Tuesday's GOP primary. 298 words Large and increasing methane emissions from northern lakes 306 words We Can Stop Pretending Any of the 2016 Republicans Believe in Science - The most ignorant answer of Tuesday night's GOP debate goes to Rand Paul. 292 words Fracking Does Cause 'Widespread, Systemic' Contamination of American's Drinking Water