30 years ago scientists warned Congress on global warming. What they said sounds eerily familiar

Why the MYOPIC republicans are failing:

The many republicans that I know have morphed over 30 years into really mean and vicious humans that are toxic to be around. Many of them are serious functional alcoholics. In a disgusting acceptable level of maintaining functional day lives that always end up with heavy nightly drinking to numb their screaming emotions that are locked deeply away in the dungeons of compassion. They often only become outwardly happy at the end of the day when the get their fix of alcohol.

Alcohol addiction is a mean substance.

One other thing I notice very regularly with hard core conservatives is that they have ZERO EMPATHY. As if their empathy capacity has been cult repressed and frozen by alcohol, anti-depressants and mean cult like thinking. Yes, cult drum beat consciousness that states liberals and progressives are soft pussies that deserve to be run over by the economic train of survival of the strongest competitors. They relish stating that empathy is for sissies and real republicans do not need prissy feminine sensitivities, because women are losers in the grand schemes of real power. Power is a corrupted meanness drug.

What these republicans fail to see and feel, is that empathy is a survival and awareness tool. Empathy helps us sense our complete environment that surrounds us, so that we may intelligently build deeper awareness that helps us make holistic comprehensive survival decisions. Decisions that cannot be made when myopic curtailment of empathy has taken place.

Without empathy, humans cannot care or bond with their environment.

Signs of humans with ZERO empathy skills? Political bullies with their shallow perceptual capacities.

/r/environment Thread Parent Link - ashingtonpost.com