Donald Trump’s stance on global warming is ‘sociopathic, paranoid and malevolent’, world-leading economist says

Jeffrey Sachs almost certainly makes in the mid-six figures as a salary. He almost certainly has other income from investments, so it seems reasonable to believe that this fucking insufferable blowhard of an 'economist' is raking in close to a million dollars a year. The money that Mr Sachs blows on his lunches at Davos or flying around the world to blow his horn is his business, but the money he 'saves' in his bank account is used like this: It is loaned to people for the purpose of gaining the principle and the interest back. This is the 'eternal growth paradigm' that cocksuckers like economists make their nut with. When that money is invested or used in development, other people are employed to assist in the process of production aimed at gaining a greater amount of money than expended. These jobs are used to maintain and lift living standards. As living standards are raised and maintained, consumption of resources and energy usage rises. The process of consumption and energy use can be directly tied to climate change. Hencce, the process of earning wages and the generation of wealth causes climate change. And the more wealth you generate, the greater those externalities are. So Mr Sachs, instead of running his fat, self-serving mouth, should admit that it is the very paradigm (eternal growth) that he espouses as an economist is at the very core of climate change. If this cocksucking two-faced piece of shit Sachs had any integrity at all, he'd be advocating for - at minimum - a "steady state" economy for the planet. Nowhere have I read him do so. And for anyone who thinks I'm calling out people who have jobs 'hypocrites" - you're wrong. Being able to choose whether to generate wealth is not a viable option for an animal society that places great prestige and status upon those who do generate wealth. To get food cclothign and shelter, you need to play the 'eternal growth' game, otherwise, you'll end up living out of a dumpster.

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