The Koch Brothers Are Behind a Plot to Open Up the Grand Canyon Watershed to Toxic Uranium Mining - Last year, Arizona Rep. Raúl Grijalva introduced a bill to protect the greater Grand Canyon as a national monument. But it has stalled.

This was originally a reply comment but I thought it would be more fitting to seperate it.

I'll try to find a link, but I once saw a documentary of a small town outside one of their plants in which the inhabitants have experienced. myriad of fatal health issues, all due to the actions of the Koch plant, which was dumping toxic sludge into a nearby water supply.

It's gruesome to watch, my heart still aches for those poor families. It's not even just the lives of the currently affected though, their children will likely have the same issues as well.


This was the documentary, and for the sake of accuracy, the community affected was an area of Crosset, Arkansas, which was near the aforementioned plant.

I know this is a bit random, but I thinks it's important that those unaware to at least get a chance to learn about this. But also, there are so many articles and documentaries chronicling this that its almost repetitive.

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