425 words What does this sub think of the ketogenic diet? 399 words Her selfish family wants her to live longer, fuck them. 402 words "Several of my cardiac patients told me recently that they switched providers because their cardiologist told them they needed to lose weight and it hurt their feelings." (x-post via an excluded subreddit) 309 words Ragen Chastain has registered for IRONMAN Arizona 2016. 363 words If your child is fat then you are a bad parent 294 words Anti-smoking messages can backfire and make it harder for people to quit 307 words MFP Blog addresses the "BMI isn't accurate / useful" fatlogic argument with surprising accuracy, but still manages to provide too much fuel for fatlogic (in my opinion) || Green = Good Points / Red = High Likeliehood of Fatlogic Fuel 393 words That's the spirit! 640 words Please tell me my antidepressants won't make me gain weight. 1,395 words Fat People of r/fatlogic: Why are you fat? 447 words "Being skinny made me miserable" 322 words How do healthy people seem to eat just enough? 311 words My gym, having none of anyone's fatlogic. Consider my membership renewed. 380 words Fat Rant Friday 483 words Skin to skin: a step-by-step explanation of why surgery is more difficult on obese patients (hint: it's not because we surgeons are shitlording it up in the OR) 424 words TITP calls person a "sad sack of shit" when he or she tries to convince a 16 year old girl that she won't regain her weight that she lost. 645 words "Give it to me now, I don't care how!" EVERYTHING the fashion industry does for plus-sized women is wrong according to FAs. [Album] 521 words How Businesses Are Making Money Off Americans Getting Fatter 501 words The Coddling of the American Mind: How Trigger Warnings are Hurting Mental Health 312 words Thin people don't understand physics