Fat Rant Friday

TL;DR: Made dinner for my BFF, who then desecrates said dinner with half a tub of butter.

My best friend and I were having a homework party at my house. It was getting close to dinner time, and my grand plan was to have breakfast for dinner. That morning, I had prepared a small tupperware container of whole wheat pancake mix (flour, honey, cinnamon, applesauce, baking soda, egg whites, and water) and coordinated my MFP calories so I could have a double serving. However, since BFF was there, I offered her a serving.

Excited by the prospect of delicious pancakes, she accepted my offer and I got to work. BFF has no idea how to cook (her boyfriend does all the cooking) so to her making pancakes from scratch was a divine miracle. I filled the pancakes with blueberries from my mom's garden and topped them with chopped bananas and sugar-free syrup. For me, this was a decadent treat meal.

As I proudly placed the plate in front her, she frowned. "That's all I get?"

Each pancake (there were five) was roughly the size of a DVD, which to me seemed plenty big. "They're whole wheat, so they'll fill you up faster than buttermilk," I said, trying not to feel bad.

She took a bite, chewed for a second, then immediately spit it out into a paper towel. "Ugh! Neosusan, these are disgusting! What did you put in these?!"

At this point I'm pretty mad that she's wasted one of my precious pancakes. I listed off the ingredients.

"You forgot butter and sugar!" No, I explained, these are healthier pancakes. There's honey in them for sweetness (she drenched hers in syrup anyway) and applesauce gives them the moisture that butter normally would.

After that, she ransacked my fridge, found my boyfriend's secret stash of Country Crock, and proceeded to coat each of my beautiful creations in a thick layer of butter. She ate every bite, but cut around the blueberries and banana slices, all the while lecturing me about how her boyfriend makes pancakes that taste JUST like IHop and how he would never skip out on the butter/sugar.

It's like, you know I'm trying to lose weight and get to a healthy BMI. What did you expect?

/r/fatlogic Thread