154 words Poor cyclist gets coal rolled and people are celebrating it on TikTok. Is this even legal in Australia 196 words Help me understand 136 words Some Of The Reasons Why The US Has More Anxiety Than Any Other Developed Country 115 words The mind reels 115 words The mind reels 105 words In New York, people are cleaning the walls as a result of years being polluted by cars. 130 words Why is this moronic statement such a common argument against public transit? Practically every city I've been to utilizes grocery stores and shopping malls as transit hubs. 132 words Hi, I am a pro car person that would like to hear about your movement. 265 words This sub in a nutshell: 120 words No car is the solution 122 words My Proposal for a Cheaper California High Speed Rail 120 words Accessibility of Dutch hospitals by means of transport within 30 minutes 164 words Height of folly (by Jen Sorensen) 147 words USA vs Netherlands 320 words A woman killed two children while driving her Mercedes drunk at 80 mph/130 kph and LA Magazine is running a sympathetic piece on how hard her life is now. 193 words Says it all, really. 138 words 2021 best selling automobile in the US (Ford F150) VS 2021 best selling automobile in Italy (Fiat Panda). You can almost fit 2 Pandas in a single F150 (and a Panda will fit just as many people) 155 words Is there a word for someone who is *almost* anti-car but doesn't realize it? 163 words Why do they even think this argument makes any sense at all? 242 words Why are so many people in the US(especially republicans) so opposed to more public transit and less car usage?