216 words So it's 9:56PM. Anyone hear the biblical thunder? 196 words Mental Health Help 229 words Who's Hiring in Houston? October 2016 165 words I'm A firefighter that serves the Wheeler/main/Blodgett area here to answer questions and provide some insight on the homeless population that has taken over. 338 words The real bathroom laws in Houston: with references to Texas Penal Code sections and City of Houston ordinances. 477 words The real bathroom laws in Houston: with references to Texas Penal Code sections and City of Houston ordinances. 291 words What if Houston fell in love with city planning? The new Plan Houston includes “more emphasis on creating compact communities where people can access the kinds of things they want to access without having to get into a car” 1,340 words Are there City of Houston rules for installing a shipping container as a shed/workshop in my backyard? 363 words Houston Police Department body camera program launched 322 words To the motorcycle cop on the top of the 45 north ramp of 59/288 585 words Please help ASAP 434 words Question for the admitted Slow freeway drivers 376 words TIL a Houston bank is robbed in nearly every 3-4 days average. 284 words Early Morning Take-off from Hobby 522 words Why do you like Houston? Serious question. 387 words Bernie Sanders - Houston Town Meeting at 7pm on July 19 360 words career opportunities with certificate 417 words KIPP school , YES school, Harmony school.. What's the deal with all these seemingly public schools? 311 words Looking for someone to help update a Houston electronic dance music calendar 958 words Thief breaks in my car and accidentally leaves his cell phone. Houston police too lazy to press charges.