So it's 9:56PM. Anyone hear the biblical thunder?

I'm hearing the thunder.

I am SO ready for Giant Meteor 2017... if we could all just get taken out instantaneously at the same time, that would be SO wonderful.

My fear is not what would happen should we all die, but what is going to happen and what we're going to have to live through.

I'm so intensely embarrassed that our country has somehow put a bungling, racist, ego maniacal misogynist into the White House.

Is this real life?

I actually was terrified of thunderstorms until I was about 13 years old. That year, our house got struck by lightning at the height of an intense storm. It was "cold" lightning - it didn't start a fire, but it shredded the rafters and made a 6' by 4' hole in our roof. The nearby rafters had what looked like shredded wheat packed into the corners. That was the splinters of the rafters blown apart by the lightning.

The ceilings got pushed down about 1/2" inch in the back bedrooms. You could tell because the nails that held up the Sheetrock were all left sticking out that far. The Sheetrock somehow went back up, but the nails were all sticking out. Very strange.

Anyway, after that happened, thunderstorms stopped frightening me and I actually enjoy and intense thunderstorm now.

/r/houston Thread