I'm A firefighter that serves the Wheeler/main/Blodgett area here to answer questions and provide some insight on the homeless population that has taken over.

Kush has a substantially-higher-than-zero chance of severe negative medical effects. Things like seizures, fulminant liver failure, death. Calling chances of something terrible happening "very, very remote" is not correct. Kush is a serious, serious public health problem in our city.

I understand the anecdotal nature of what I'm about to say, but it left an impression on me nonetheless. Multiple psychiatrists at Harris County Psychiatric Center said that if they could prevent their own children from ever encountering/using just one drug, it would be kush. The only possible contender was inhalants, aka huffing paint, freon, etc. These are physicians that work with homeless people struggling with addiction (and myriad other medical and mental illnesses) to anything and everything.

I'm a pretty open-minded individual when it comes to substances. I also know that most of what I'm saying is pretty similar to scare tactics surrounding marijuana and other illegal drugs. Despite all that, I cannot say this seriously enough: don't fuck with kush. Just don't.

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