153 words Coronavirus (COVID-19 / 코로나바이러스감염증-19) outbreak in South Korea: Patient totals, discussion, questions - February 28th 163 words 5,000 Chinese Group Tourists Coming to Korea 120 words Vietnamese wives, internet brides bear brunt of ageing Korea’s aversion to immigration 299 words English Speaking Nutritionist in Seoul? 200 words My experience at the military physical examination center 116 words How can I stop feeling resentment towards my parents for immigrating to the states? 138 words Korea To Acquire More Anti-Missile Radars, Aegis Destroyers To Counter North Korea 250 words Considering the meme that every asian country subreddit is mostly foreigners, how is /r/korea's and /r/japan's take on the trade issues now so vastly different? 139 words Credit demanded for search dog who found missing girl on Cheongju mountain 128 words What do Koreans think of Taiwan? 213 words I'm a Korean living in a foreign country, and I have the weirdest identity issues 157 words Japan mulls stricter export controls on more items to S. Korea 140 words Consumer confidence in Korea lowest among OECD members 277 words Arguments to defend Comfort Women Issue 153 words Weird DMs from this sub? 173 words Current state of prostitution in Seoul 242 words Trying to open a Gaming lounge in Korea! 214 words The government wants to ban Youtube broadcasts by its critics as people worry over rights of freedom 500 words How do North Koreans refer to the Joseon Dynasty? 521 words Divided Korean families chosen for first family reunions in three years | World news