Fnatic not represented in new World's Song

Okay but hasn't rookie been underperforming

Yes that's the whole point of the video. Caps lost the finals, Faker didn't make worlds and Rookie wants to defend his title but he's been struggling. The whole video is about their inner demons and struggles. Rookies phone at the beginning of the video has a bunch of message from "haters/doubters":

Retire now please!

Of course, the cornerstone of the team can't be blamed /s

He deserves to be flamed, always throws with a small advantage.

You just can't feel good without feeding once huh?

How many times do you have to lose due to bad vision before you make some changes?

Lose when behind, throw with advantage ...

Fakers message (on his face) says: "mid difference" "better mid wins" "free win"

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