Final tickets went up for sale 2 hours early,everything has been sold out and botted tickets are already being resold for 400 euros a piece how is this acceptable???

Ticketmaster is to blame, not Riot. Here's a nifty article outlining some of TMs power:

I also have a couple grievances:

1) France should never have been chosen (sorry French people). Having a country with a law requiring the casting to be in French (YES Riot could have got translation casting but they chose not too) and YES i'm going to say the majority of that audience is not a speaker of the language. Yes this issue exists for the semis in Madrid too. Honestly think the UK/Germany or a Scandinavian country would have been best for hosting such a prestigious event.

2) The venue size is TOO SMALL. Ticketing issues today has also completely stemmed from just not having enough seats. 20k seats? The final of Worlds and you give 20k???? Riot, you would sell out Wembley in London for christ's sake. Pick a bigger arena. Of course it has to be suitable, but for god's sake 20 fucking thousand, no wonder people stood no chance against the bots.

3) Ticket timings need to be WELL in advance. You need to sell these tickets not a month before but a YEAR BEFORE. Christ, what big name singer or world cup final event did you see release it's tickets barely 6 weeks before the event itself?? I feel sorry for people who don't live in Europe, who have to presumptively book flights/hotels and get time off work just to have their ticket swiped up by an army of bots who have been refreshing the page over 2 hours before sales began?

Get a grip Riot.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread