Akali got changed 10 times since her rework (list inside) and still causes problems. It baffles me how this champion could be released in her original state.

New Akali jump into middle of team press W. And now she is not targettable not a way to do something vs her. So backline of team that fights against her has 2 choices - refuse to follow frontline because akali will kill them if they come too close to shroud (lose situation), go with team and proced to die vs akali.

This is the reason I dislike Akali so much (and if someone wants to say I dislike her just because I lost to her it is not true because I don't play league anymore, just watch pro games). Even pros can't deal with her once she reaches your backline (and that is so easy with the amount of mobility she has). Games like akali feels like playing some sort of stat check. If she has good enough stats to kill you she will do that and you can't do anything against it. If she doesn't have enough stats then she will just go in, do some damage and get out. There is nothing to do against her, no outplay potential for the enemy (other than calculating damage of her abilities and praying that it won't be enough). I think only outplay against akali I saw was Chowy vs Faker as Sylas (and that is not great example because Sylas is another stupid champion with game rules breaking ult (and she had akali ult in that fight)). And also don't say that Akali takes much skill. She does take it, but once you master her there is little enemy team can do no matter how good they are with their champions.

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