262 words Portland Woman Who Died of Hypothermia Was Evicted for Being Late on $338 in Rent 209 words Longer hours, worse jobs: are Asians turning into working machines? (Asian countries admit many million fewer jobs created than net new adult workers - why does the U.S. media pretend otherwise?) 192 words In the UK, children aren't vaccinated against Chicken Pox because it can increase the risk of shingles in unvaccinated older people. 406 words Organized simultaneous debt and rent strikes? Why doesn't this happen? 296 words All I want in life is a chill, stress free 9 to 5 job with no real responsibilities and decent salary that leaves me time to do shit I really wanna do without stressing... 712 words Should I join the military instead of continuing my job search? 535 words Went to dinner with some boomers. 403 words Looking at how complicated and hard it has become to get started and get ahead because we have so many more older workers still holding on to their positions and jobs they have. 358 words Did anyone here go to an ivy league or highly ranked school? 321 words I don't think things will be ok....... I have to rant. 315 words How to Kick Your Adult Slacker Out of the House: How to Toss the Boomerang Kid 292 words You are not lazy. 478 words Why Are More Young Adults Still Living at Home? 307 words Why Do Employers Expect More Of Entry-Level Employees Than Ever Before? College Graduates Are Expected To Come Prepared To Entry-Level Positions And Internships With More Knowledge Than In Generations Past. 465 words I watched a 1950's video on factory work and workers home life in the USA. 367 words Charles Bukowski has a way with words 1,379 words U.S. Can't Import the Scandinavian Model 331 words Singles nation: Why so many Americans are unmarried 455 words Boomer conservative radio host defends millennials and criticizes his generation for hurting and criticizing young people. 277 words Noam Chomsky on Capitalism