Noam Chomsky on Capitalism

Actually. I've repeated numerous times how the looming crisis of overproduction is fueling climate change. How workers controlling the means of production will equalize inequality. Healthcare would be provided in a Socialist society. People wouldn't be left to rot on the street as they are now. How undoing the hierarchical and consolidated power in society by returning democracy to the workplace, in the community would blossom a far healthier society than one under the grasp of capitalism.

You see there is no critique again in his comment. Just the same hostility that you'll get from witchesbrew. He thinks he speaks for the entirety of a sub that itself is linked to /r/socialism. He uses the false assumptions that reactionary McCarthyism saturated the American public with.

Socialism/Marxism= Evil Authoritarian Dictatorships Capitalism= Freedom,Democracy and Liberty.

He also rides the assumption that other people associate the USSR or whatever supposed "socialist" in name societies that existed were actually what socialism would look like, or what actual socialist want.Which if you go to the /r/socialism sub and talk to them there are plenty that will tell you, no it wasn't socialism and its not what they want.

However you have to understand that this sub,created for people who are posting here precisely because this system is failing them, is being thrown into narrow debate. The only leap of faith her is believing reactionaries like crankcaller who want to limit the scope of possibility, critical thought.

If anyone here is spreading dangerous ideas to the young and desperate people who post here its users like crankcaller who tell them that they SHOULDN'T be looking for alternatives.

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