247 words Raising the minimum wage by $1 could’ve prevented thousands of suicides a year. We will end the 40-year assault on the working class and the suffering it has caused for our people. Every job in America must pay a living wage of at least $15 an hour. 155 words PBS News Latest To Erase Sanders From Election Coverage 156 words My mom bought her apartment for 14k and a part-time job 30 years ago, nowadays I can't even rent one working 40 hours a week. 315 words We don't need a generational culture war. We need a class war. 332 words Translation: OK boomer 329 words I don't know how anyone could have a problem with UBI 141 words Biden's support is basically entirely older voters. Among people over 65, he is still the frontrunner. He is supported by only 2 percent of voters under 45. 147 words My return for thousands in tuition is my professor covering slides of his favorite quotes. 210 words Do poeple always assume your dumb and lazy for living at home? 117 words Millennials won’t let go of children’s toys and films – and kids are paying the price 230 words Harvard professor says 'winning a $20 million lottery won't make you happier in life'—but these 4 things will 558 words If the economy is "Booming" then why are large U.S. firms laying off thousands of workers? 126 words Four in 10 Americans Embrace Some Form of Socialism 132 words Turns Out That the Husband’s Job Is Probably the Best Predictor of Divorce 158 words Why Amazon Is Gobbling Up Failed Malls 188 words Do you chose to be poked in the Eye or kicked in the Shin? The Options are Endless! Thank God We're a Free Country 368 words Guessing this sub is astroturfed too? 190 words Nearly half of millennials say college wasn't worth student-loan debt 162 words Seems pretty spot on for most young folks trying to get into a career today. 132 words Heavy Student Loan Debt Forces Many Millennials To Delay Buying Homes