339 words Opie has no idea what he really wants his show to be. 579 words Anthony is on twitter right now denying climate change aggresively. 301 words Anthony is on twitter right now denying climate change aggresively. 1,171 words THE FINAL BLOW - "Amy Schumer Stole Everything - (Take It From Us, The Coolest Kids In Her High School)" 409 words "I don't even like Gavin, but..." 408 words Conan 2013: Schumer presents the Slap Chef/Sleep Gym as her own original idea, conceived while "standing in a hot tub in Vegas." She can't throw a writer under the bus on this one. 1,250 words Best way to cover all the old years of O and A? 462 words Stop trying to fool yourselves into thinking Big Jay and LOS are the "next generation" after O&A. They're not. They fucking stink. 348 words Luis comments on wanting to buy /r/opieandanthony [18:48] 364 words "Its one of the consequences of being ugly" -Some hack on why trouble finds Cumia 1,248 words Guys, this subreddit is in serious threat of being banned, we need to start acting like the adults we really are. 365 words I just listened to the Opie/Jim fight for the first time. 326 words O&A Private Chatroom 1,020 words NBCUniversal, responding to pressure from Hispanic groups, is severing business ties to Donald Trump. 487 words Why were Patrice and Ant racial discussions so fun to listen to? 340 words These are the words of a man about to commit suicide. 550 words Louie is on SNL and is hilarious with his racist/rape humor. 310 words So Jim, even if anonymous people give you positive feedback or praise, will you still bury them? 318 words The current state of this subreddit: People who can dish it out, but can't take it 332 words Based on the behavior of these two this past week, I think this banner is more accurate.