117 words Everything in this video is now ILLEGAL in the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan 194 words Muslims in Sweden declare "we are here to take over your country f*cking Swede" 125 words My extremely Christian brother eavesdropped on a conversation I had with my mom about The Satanic Temple and how they’re really just an organization to keep our government in check and not actual “Satanists” 266 words mind_blown.gif 139 words There's a being that lives outside space and time. Source: Trust me bro 112 words Lol 119 words Does this count? 211 words Islamic Mob arsoned train compartment filled with pilgrims from Hindu community leading to death of 59, including 25 women and 25 children after blocking exit gates. Event triggered widespread riots killing more than 1000 from both communities. Year 2002 Gujarat, India. 364 words Everything wrong with men is women's fault! 134 words Hijabi blames all white people for the Las Vegas shooting 200 words Iranian Women against Clerics. 228 words Idk if this was poster here. 185 words Racist and bigoted r/sikh mod posts bery racist meme blaming and demonizing hindus over an hacker who’s identity is unknown 147 words Local church dropped this into my mailbox 123 words Kid pretends that he broke his fast, during Ramadan, to prank father and gets in a little over his head. As the dad goes ham the boy keeps swearing that he didn’t break his fast. 123 words santana dharma = eternal religion = hinduism 308 words COVID-19 Vaccine is the "mark of the beast" 117 words Racist rabbis spewing their rubbish 167 words Examples of Mental Illness in the Bible: God strikes sinners with insanity