My extremely Christian brother eavesdropped on a conversation I had with my mom about The Satanic Temple and how they’re really just an organization to keep our government in check and not actual “Satanists”

This is fucking reddit. I don't need your permission to post. It's not a baseless conclusion.

OP doesn't understand that TST is an actual religion, and is recognized as such by the IRS. From The Satanic Temple's perspective, they are genuine Satanists and the activism that some members choose to participate in is only part of it. Their beliefs are represented by Romantic Satanism.

There's criticism, especially from those aligned with the Church of Satan that TST isn't real Satanism because their stated goals don't align with LaVey's philosophy, but that's not the argument OP is making when she says they're not "actual Satanists". She means devil worshippers, and devil worshippers are not Satanists.

So I'll say it again.

She's misinformed.


An Actual Satanist.

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