Examples of Mental Illness in the Bible: God strikes sinners with insanity

I dug into the rabbit hole and looked through their stuff. I think I know where some of this is coming from. Removing the spiritual nonsense, a lot of this stuff is coming from the fact that psychiatry/psychology flat out sucks. Science dealing with thought processes is going to be extremely subjective and psychiatry meds are overprescribed. It's not a God thing, it's a result of more research needing to be done into psychology/psychiatry. These fields, in their modern and ethical form, are still very new relatively speaking.

Reading through the stuff about medication, I get where they're coming from. I have a bad reaction to all SSRIs and it made me realize--what if I don't actually have depression? A friend legitimately is addicted to benzos that a doctor prescribed him...to help with insomnia. He gets suicidal if he doesn't take them by 6pm. (not to mention benzos can change your personality and he went from anti-alcohol to downing hard liquor with benzos nightly).

/r/religiousfruitcake Thread Link - bible.ca