Muslims in Sweden declare "we are here to take over your country f*cking Swede"

If we didnt need the middle easts oil you would eat yourselves alive and blame the west. If we didnt pick a side in your conflicts, you would still be at war with each other and you would blame the west, if we didnt take resources as payment you would get no help and you would blame the west. If we didnt let you in our countries you would accuse us of being rascist but do nothing to fix your own problems. Yea the west is far from innocent but at least we are making progress as a culture. Oh and since when did your hatred of the west give you the right to flood into non western white countries like sweden and start raping and pillaging? Im sure we are responsible for your actions somehow. Ive got no issues with people from these countries but im starting to really dislike religion and how its making everyone from both sides casts stones. Islam, christianity in particular can both fuck right off i dont need some made up deity to tell me to be a good person when i can simply be a good person

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