243 words Does anyone realize how moronic and demeaning it is that a school is penalized for poor student attendance? 304 words How do I set a boundary with a teacher? (Part 2/Email) 337 words I’m a sophomore in college looking to pursue a bachelors in English education. The amount of people telling me to stay away from teaching & do something else is insane. I thought I’d come here to ask actual teachers. Is it that bad? 920 words Teaching question. 273 words D's and F's in Middle School 179 words I've got a kid who stalls, how can I help her? 196 words Really Florida....a rant 144 words Delete if not allowed - I am a hiking guide and videographer, and would LOVE to offer free help to any teachers right now who could use nature/outdoors/environment videos for their students. I can work a lot of themes in, personalize to your class, or keep general. More info in comments. 452 words Things are crazy, but I just got into a Masters in Education program! 136 words Sunday Stress 242 words Feeling unappreciated, burnt out, and disillusioned 270 words Any teaching positive subs? 127 words Ungratefulness when working with kids is one of the worst 161 words Can we PLEASE do something about the spam? 341 words Teachers of Reddit! 339 words Teaching different demographics - is the grass greener? 343 words I really want to be a teacher, but I'm afraid of the environment I'll be teaching in. 354 words I really want to be a teacher, but I'm afraid of the environment I'll be teaching in.