132 words Can cat cafés specifically be ok? 210 words Ahem. 190 words New job dilemma - Opinions wouls be greatly appreciated. 156 words When did half the people in here decide pandering to carnists was a good way to promote the movement? 116 words I wish everyone who calls vegan activists "militant" could understand for a moment how unbelievably tame they are in the context of the trillions of animals getting abused every year 124 words Even though (global) colonialism is a worse crime, as it killed-&-affected more people than Nazism+AmericanSlavery 122 words Saw a post and it seems a lot of people don’t know this, thought I’d share 215 words There's no vegan for the environment or vegan for your health. There's only vegan for the animals 318 words The more I research Vitamin B12 the more I realize meat isn’t needed. 262 words [Reposted with edits to protect the individual's identity] Some pretty fucked up stuff someone from an area I'm familiar with for being filled with extremely cruel individuals posted. Please read my comment here below, as it gives some detail about the mentality of people in this area. 188 words huMaNs AnD WoLVes Co-eVoLVed fOr miLLiOnS oF yEaRs 172 words What are your most controversial vegan opinions? 180 words How do you guys cope with having a non-vegan partner? 120 words VFCJ has a mod problem 167 words Why are ex vegans always so hostile towards veganism? 259 words Biden giving $1b to meat industry to subsidize their inefficiencies. If only there were efficient, low-priced foods already available to subsidize instead... oh wait... 147 words Vegans dating non-vegans- how do you do it? Any advice? 290 words Perma banned from r/atheism for telling the truth to a carnist. Post in question shown 108 words Human rights are animal rights. I'm so tired of people pretending they're not. 197 words Why do meat eaters feel its not okay to eat dogs or cats, but its okay to eat pigs, cows, etc?