297 words I don’t think I understand meat eaters 168 words "Because I believe in industry funded studies that supports my narrative. I don't give a fuck about the planet or future generations over my momentary palate pleasure. I like to take handouts from the meat aisle in a supermarket after the horrible dirty job is done by underpaid immigrants.I'm angry" 175 words People that do this to horses are pieces of sh*t. 162 words Huh. It's almost as if no matter what vegans do, we are always the asshole 162 words Veganism is a first-world luxury 180 words That's how we save bees! 175 words Wanting to make a vegan youtube/would anyone watch? 192 words Just saw Mad Max: Fury Roads and I have to say... it had a huge potential to raise awareness about industrial farming of animals, especially cows. It's a shame they focused on action instead even if it was a nice movie in itself. 246 words Milk Sales Plummet by $1.1 Billion in 2018: The dairy industry is losing profits as plant-based alternatives continue to capture consumer dollars 180 words I’ve been able to gain muscle & lose weight while being vegan (of course exercise too). The myths are incorrect. Proud soy boy. 103 words Beautiful Vegan meals for kids 165 words Random Thoughts, Small Questions, and General Discussion (week of June 22nd, 2019) 290 words Does this look good to you? 159 words I would like to disclose that I am not vegan. I completely support your choices. Be whatever you wanna be. I am just curious about your motives behind being vegan. I would like to have a calm and constructive conversation because i am genuinely curious. 159 words Why Hiking is the Best Activity for Weight Loss | Vegan Weight Loss Journey 140 words This must happen to others as well, I'm sure. 172 words Too skinny for veganism 136 words Vegan meat substitutes served at restaurants that are not strictly vegan should be dyed green (or something similar to this) 152 words Why do vegans attract such hatred? 132 words “Cancel culture” and ethical consumption