902 words Why do people want player housing so badly? 194 words Blizzard, can you please add the Creation Catalyst to the game already? 126 words what are your thoughts about patch 9.2? 137 words What is a time that somebody did/said something actually made you stop to take the time to report them? 141 words Putting Our Teams and Players at the Forefront of Everything We Do — Ybarra 121 words This game is headed down a bad direction due to the toxic players that it's infested with 137 words Offense: Use of Bots or Third-Party Automation Software 158 words Current thoughts on the new leveling system. 317 words "Bit of an oof from Exploring Kalimdor. The Dark Portal wouldn't exist for another 10,000 years. I can see how a slip like that would be easily made during a first draft, but I'd imaging it would be picked in further drafts / reads." 126 words She's a good girl now, right?... RIGHT? (OC) 144 words Like ripping a hole in a finished sweater then covering the hole w/ duct tape. 174 words Warcraft is changing to a full sci-fi theme, and it’s really diminishing my interest in the lore 155 words Can't wait until wow is looked at positively again. 125 words Question about aoe cap 307 words Can we get some female perspectives on what is being removed? 334 words Master Baiter, fishing supplies vendor in Krasarang Wilds, renamed to "Jiang Ziya" in 9.1.5 PTR 243 words 9.1.5 - While we're at it: Content such as Korthia where reaching max rep rewards sockets is fine. But the time it takes to get there on a casual/semi-casual level is way too long. 183 words The community is only toxic because the game design promotes toxicity 227 words 9.1.5 quick-wins suggestions MEGATHREAD: 205 words This community is toxic af and the best argument for devs who doesnt want to listen the playerbase: