What is a time that somebody did/said something actually made you stop to take the time to report them?

If you could bottle up your psychic insight that lets you know none of the other four are ENT works trying to decompress after 12 hours of the aftermath of a fire or 10-car pile up or a divorce lawyer handling one of those cars where both parents are child abusers or decent friends/neighbors of someone who got raped last night or (like someone in this thread) a parent of a 4-year-old with brain cancer or someone who got fired earlier today and doesn't know what the people relying on their health care will be able to do next or just anyone who doesn't need your fucking bullshit treating them like expendable tools, that would be great for everyone. I'd suggest developing a modicum of basic self awareness and empathy, but that seems like wishing for wings.

/r/wow Thread Parent