She's a good girl now, right?... RIGHT? (OC)

I'm sorry, but is Uther a sexy female? Is Arthas? Is Garrosh? Is Illidan?

The fans want redemption arcs for all of those. Stop excusing your misogyny with Blizzard's bad writing of Sylvanas. You hate her, we get it. They messed up. Does it have anything to do with her being a female?

Oh and btw, for every "twitch onlyfan youtube instagram" girl you pointed to, there were thousands of girls raped in camps during every single genocide. Just because they were women. Look at the rape camps in Bosnia in the 90s... Were those girls "saved" just because they were "hot", or were they specifically targeted because of it? Does being "hot" historically work out well for women? Jfc people, grow up.

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