1.08 Mega Thread - B Spec

I just... GT was my childhood. I've been so excited for GT7 for years. GT gave me the interest I have in cars today. I watch motor racing religiously, and that can all be traced back to my days as a young kid watching my mum and dad play GT2, handing me the controller on occasion so that I could get last in a race cause I didn't know how to play.

I was hoping for a proper GT career mode, like we got in GT4. It would have been perfect. But I got to the end of the menu book, and that was it. Nothing else. I'm not interested in multiplayer so I was banking on there being more events. Surely some must unlock after the menu book, right? But no. That's it. Game done, no more championships, nothing.

And now they've nerfed the credit payout, too. I honestly never thought I'd be more heartbroken at a childhood game series of mine being destroyed than I was when THPS5 was released, but this is honestly worse.

/r/granturismo Thread