10 years ago I got my girlfriend of two months to go see Iron Man with me. She only went because it had her man crush RDJ in it. Yesterday we went to IW, now husband and wife, both very excited. What an awesome movie. What an awesome decade.

I don’t know what this is and I don’t know why it’s bothering me so much so I’m just gonna break it down. He’s saying they weren’t married when they saw Iron Man and now they’re married when they saw Infinity War. Those seem like two very arbitrary things. I mean, I guess he’s kept the ticket from Iron Man for 10 years which is kind of impressive, but I know plenty of people that collect tickets like that so it’s just kind of whatever. Maybe this could be interesting if seeing IronMan was their first date but he said they’ve been dating for 2 months so no. Right now it just looks like it’s kind of a humble brag about dating his wife and marrying her within the span of 10 years and he’s using the span of the MCU to put in perspective the passage of time, but like, it’s just so weird to put those two things together, especially for such a random accomplishment. I mean being together for 10 years is nice but it isn’t amazing. It’s not that long. They haven’t even been married for 10 years. They’ve just been together for that long. If anything putting it in the span of the MCU makes it seem like a short amount of time. Comparatively, it’s a pretty new franchise. I looked up the longest running movie franchises and according to Digital Spy there are at least 28 movie franchises that are older than the MCU, maybe even more since it didn’t even crack the top 28 from the article I read. Another way to put it into perspective, a 10 year old kid would be in 4th grade in the United States. In 4th grade students are introduced to the concept of adding and subtracting fractions. So if their relationship was a person, it would just begin learning how to add fractions. Meanwhile, since their marriage is, at the oldest, 9 years, it would just start learning cursive since it’s in 3rd grade.

So let’s further break this down into a formula. OP presented a person/place/thing (his wife) let’s call her W, and then told us his relation to W in a span of time, let’s call that T, and then compared it with the equal span of time with a random movie franchise, let’s call that F. So if we add W and T it must be equal to F. Leaving us with W+T=F. Now let’s plug in other variables to see if it can work. I have a pair of jeans (W) that I’ve had for 3 years (T). Now let’s plug the Lord of the Rings trilogy, which was 3 years long, into F. Jeans+3 Years=Lord of the Rings. So yes, this formula does make sense and can be applied to many relationship related shit posts.

/r/marvelstudios Thread Link - i.redd.it