I(13M) have 2 moms :) AMA

My wife and I have a son too:). This is awesome to see in print and it’s making me thing of what it will be like when he grows up. Your moms should be very proud of you.

Do you find it bizarre that everyone asks you about a “male” role model ? Like I just don’t get why people get so fixated on that. As two moms we happen to have enough knowledge to have everything covered - sex Ed, car maintenance, sports, tie a tie, pick up a girl( or boy) , shaving ... like I just don’t understand whyyy people get so stuck on gender . And I find it so odd that people think you / my son are missing out somehow. What if I had married a guy who wasn’t “ masculine “, like then my kid would be in the same boat . I just don’t get people :) .

/r/AMA Thread